Meet Jabbar Ali

At the heart of Galaxy Glimpse is Jabbar Ali, a dedicated astrophotographer based in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Jabbar’s journey into the cosmos began in his backyard, with a modest 11-inch telescope and a boundless curiosity about the celestial beyond. His fascination with space has fueled his artistic pursuit and brought the galaxy closer to home for all of us.

Galaxy Glimpse Posters
Galaxy Glimpse Posters

Our Mission

Galaxy Glimpse Posters is more than just a photography store; it's a portal to the stars. Each image we offer is captured with precision and patience, reflecting Jabbar’s commitment to revealing the unseen splendors of the night sky. Our prints celebrate the universe’s complex beauty, brought to life through Jabbar’s lens.

Galaxy Glimpse Posters

The Artistic Process

Jabbar’s unique approach involves intensive 24-36 hour exposures, stretched over multiple nights, to ensure the most straightforward and vibrant depiction of celestial phenomena. He meticulously removes any traces of satellite tracks and other distortion elements using advanced software. The images are then enhanced through several filters and techniques, resulting in stunning visuals that capture the cosmic ballet in its purest form.

Galaxy Glimpse Posters
Galaxy Glimpse Posters
Galaxy Glimpse Posters

Why Choose Us?

By purchasing one of Jabbar’s large-format prints, you are decorating your space with a slice of the cosmos and supporting a local artist who turns the night sky into art. Each print is a product of Jabbar’s deep-seated love for astrophotography and his dedication to sharing the wonder of the cosmos.

Explore our collection and own a piece of the universe—crafted from Jabbar’s backyard to your home.